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New publication on Media Literacy Policy by our Belgian partners

Media Literacy Policy in Flanders – Belgium: From Parliamentary Discussions to Public Policy

Leo Van Audenhove, Knowledge Center for Media Literacy Flanders & iMEC - SMIT - Vrije Universiteit Brussel & CoLab - University of the Western Cape Hadewijch Vanwynsberghe, Knowledge Center for Media Literacy Flanders Ilse Mariën, iMEC-SMIT – Vrije Universiteit Brussel


The discussion on media literacy in Flanders starts in the Flemish Parliament in 2006. It will take until 2013 before the Flemish Government will set up the Knowledge Center for Media Literacy—Mediawijs. Flanders is therefore rather late in establishing a dedicated institute for media literacy. The same can be said for developing a formal policy framework in relation to media literacy. This article starts with a theoretical discussion of three major trends in the current media literacy debate. The article moves on to describe and analyze Flanders media literacy policy debates and policy formulation. It highlights the development and remit of the Knowledge Center for Media Literacy and discusses the innovative role of the public service broadcaster in relation to media literacy. It ends with a reflection of how Flanders media literacy policy can be situated within the theoretical discussion.

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