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CodeJam 2014

What is CodeJam?

CodeJam is a program of the Western Cape CoLab, a social innovation and digital inclusion research laboratory situated at the University of the Western Cape.

CodeJam is a Public Private Partnership that is focused on developing young, local talent in the mobile apps and digital solutions space. It aims to build capacity in both the development and appropriation of mobile technology for socio-economic advances/benefits.

CodeJam is designed as an educational, yet competitive space for young people to demonstrate their acquired skills and know-how in translating innovative solutions for real- life challenges into digital solutions that make a difference.

In addition, CodeJam offers a collaborative platform for a diverse group of stakeholders from business, government, academia and civil society to contribute to and participate in the skills development of our local talent in the areas of social innovation and mobile technology.

CodeJam 2014 contributed in particular towards:

  • The development of skills in mobile application development on the Apple (iOS; iTunesU), Android and Windows Phone platforms as well as Prototyping.

  • The development of skills in social innovation (ideation; design thinking) aimed at addressing local socio-economic challenges.

  • The translation of innovative ideas to solve these identified problems into digital solutions (Apps that Matter)

  • The development of a collaborative process and online platform where a diverse group of stakeholders (quadra-helix model) can participate in and contribute in an IP neutral setting towards the development of skills and know-how of our local, young talent in translating innovative solutions into locally relevant digital solutions.

What is meant with Apps that Matter?

  •  The stakeholders identified various real-life “challenges” that require innovative

digital solutions that can address the challenges.

  •  Challenges are stipulated in various categories (2014 challenges ranged from restorative justice; solving

local transport communication challenges and teaching complicated mathematical concepts to Grade 7 and 8 learners).

  •  Students from various disciplines are invited to develop innovative solutions that can be translated into digital solutions to address these challenge, – hence – Apps that Matter.

2014 Stakeholders

Our dedicated Stakeholder Forum provide strategic advice and direction, as well as in kind and monetary support to the process.


Our targeted audience is young people between the ages of 18 – 25 (not in formal employment) from the Western Cape.

The principles of the project is to focus on multi-disciplinary groups coming from multiple institutions. We strongly believe working in multi- and transdisciplinary teams is crucial to targeting social challenges effectively.

The 2014 participant group included students from:

  • Computer Science

  • Information Systems

  • Law

  • Geography

  • Arts

  • Education

  • Management Sciences

Some facts and figures:

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